London Photographer Leila Afghan In NYC With Skate Girls Briana And Yasmeen


We were fortunate enough to sit with the 3 coolest chicks we know and ask them about everything skate. If you don’t know them already, you will. London based photographer (@leilaafghan), New York skater and model Briana King (@brianaking_) and Brooklyn babe Yasmeen Wilkerson ( strutted their stuff in front of the camera and gave us some insight into their world.


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Leila, what’s your favorite type of photography style and atmosphere to shoot?

LEILA: I like weird and surreal – I shoot digital and film, but prefer the dreamy effect with film.

When did you start taking skate pics and what took you there?

LEILA: I started in fashion styling and photography, but am now progressing and combining documentary style, hence, taking pictures of me and my friends.

Where is your favorite spot to shoot skate?

LEILA: New York.

Yasmeen Wilkerson


Favorite spot to skate?

YASMEEN: My favorite spot to skate is something new I’ve been fucking with called Delancey spot or BOCA LES spot. Its a walkway near the Willy B Bridge in Manhattan with a cement block, benches, curbs and other diy stuff.

BRIANA: Coleman skate park.

Where is the first place you skated?

YASMEEN: The first place I skated was an empty parking lot by my house. I was too intimidated to skate in the open as I do now, and I barely knew how to push so I would take my board out there and try to ollie and get comfortable.

BRIANA: Out front of the apartment.

Briana King

Where was the last place you skated?

YASMEEN: LES skate park is the last place I skated.

BRIANA: Blue Park Brooklyn.

How many bones have you broken?

BRIANA: 1 ankle. I attempted to ollie over 4 decks in front of a four stair, rolled my ankle, broke it, and couldn’t trick or treat that night with my newly broken ankle.

YASMEEN: My wrist (Smith fracture).


Best thing about skating?

YASMEEN: Best thing about skating is everything about it. The little lessons it gives you in humility, confidence, and persistence. Skateboarding taught me that strength isn’t always physical.

BRIANA: The homies! If I didn’t skateboard I would be a lonely bub in NYC.

And the worst thing about skating?

BRIANA: There is no worst thing.

YASMEEN: The fuck boys.